
The Next Rembrandt

Our team member Morris Franken participated as a lead developer in the “The Next Rembrandt” project. His task was to develope state-of-the-art machine learning technique (i.e. deep learning) to produce a 3D-printed painting in the style of Dutch master Read more…

By Sezer Karaoglu, ago

Best Kinect Hack

The project, “Head Pose Estimation using Kinect Depth Sensor” done by our team members was chosen as best project by Kinect Community. You can find some more information at this link.

By Sezer Karaoglu, ago


Een bedrijf dat dat ook heel goed heeft begrepen is 3DUniversum. Dit bedrijf is een spin-off van de Universiteit van Amsterdam en de oprichters doen al jaren onderzoek naar Image Processing, Computer Vision, Machine Learning Read more…

By Sezer Karaoglu, ago