On Friday 9 October, there was a celebration about the start of the construction of LAB42. LAB42 is a new science building of the University of Amsterdam, next to the current main building Science Park 904. The number 42 is well known by information scientists: namely the answer to the ultimate question about life, the universe and everything (from: The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy). 

We are extremely happy to share the result of 3DUniversum latest technology on single image based photo realistic talking head video generation. Previous methods would require at least 2-3 minutes video footage of the target person (if not hours). The video below is generated using only a single image of  Alan Turing. We believe this technology will allow us to change the way we learn, communicate, interact etc.

If you want to know more about the technology or if you want to explore the opportunities of using the technology, contact us info@3DUniversum.com

Event Information: external link

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